How my gifts seem to work for me


Ok, usually it seems like I pick up on emotions. If I use tarot cards, they will reflect what you are feeling and how you may feel about something or yourself. Usually the tarot cards will come out to what is going on with you at that time. Sometimes it can be very general and usually may have a warning to watch for something  that could happen, maybe money problems and maybe you are spending to much and things like that.


If you need to know something very specific you will need to ask me directly so I have something to think on.


I get visions, that is one of my strongest gifts. I rely on those more than tarot cards, those are only a tool. Sometimes I will get visions of people in my head and I need to describe them to you or hear a name, well it could be someone that is just wanting to say hi and they are just looking in on you. I believe we all have our guardian angels. Sometimes we can figure out who it is and at times not.


Well that is about it, and if you decide to get a reading from me I hope I would be of help to you and I appreciate honest feed back whether I was of help to you or not.



Many Blessings to you

Linda Pearl

My Gifts